Preparation Produces Purpose
By: Melody Mohnhaupt
This past weekend during our Sunday service, the elder preaching said something profound: "Preparation produces purpose". Although this is a very simple statement, it could not be more true.
For those of you who have followed our blogs for some time, you might know that I've mentioned (on multiple occasions) that I've been in a season of waiting. I cannot tell you how many areas in my life I've been waiting to see God move in: financially, through my friendships, in my family, in my relationship status, through Becoming Esther, and my list just keeps going. I’ve shared with close friends how I've just felt stuck in this state. I don't know which way to move, and I’m just waiting until the Lord shows me what to do.
I pray often for the Lord's will in my life. I pray for his direction and his guidance. I pray for him to show me what moves to make in my life. But to be honest, a lot of the time I don't feel like I hear much back. It's hard for me to discern what is my voice and what is God's voice. I've definitely had to be still and trust God!
One thing I can tell you, however, is that preparation is key. Even though our situation may seem stagnant, our God is always working to bring the next stages of our lives into fruition. I believe God takes his time in many situations because there is much for us to learn in the waiting process. Not only does it work patience and causes us to truly trust in the Lord, but it allows us time to get ready for the next stage. We could pray and pray and pray for the Lord to change things in our lives, but what happens if he finally does answer our prayers, but we are not ready when he moves?
"I once heard a story about two farmers facing hard times…
These two farmers—neighbors—looked out over their dry, dusty fields without much reason to hope. There’d been a drought the year before, and the money in the bank was nearly as dried up as the land in front of them.
But the coming year promised to be the worst yet. As another season of drought was predicted in the forecasts, both farmers turned their faces toward Heaven and asked God to send the rain.
Weeks passed. Still there was no rain. If asked, both of them would have said they had faith in God to answer their prayers.
Yet only one of the farmers did something. He climbed on his tractor…plowed his fields…and planted Seeds.
In time, God answered the farmers’ prayers and sent the rain. But only one farmer Reaped a Harvest. Why? Because regardless of what he saw in the natural, he believed God would bless the Seeds he planted in faith. He released the Seeds from his hand, and God released the Harvest in His hand." -David Cerullo
What did the farmer who did not prepare have to show for God answering his prayers? Nothing but a muddy field! But the one who stepped out by faith in the waiting process had plenty to show! Not only did he benefit from the harvest, but his faith was a witness to all those around! The harvest that sprung forth was nothing short of a miracle and because of this, all saw the results of God’s faithfulness!
There's no doubt I've been preparing during this time of waiting. That way, when God does open the gates of heaven, my heart (and life) will be ready to receive whatever it is that he gives me. And most importantly, I will reap the harvest! The seeds that I plant by faith will spring forth and show the evidence and goodness of God’s faithfulness!
I’ve fasted and prayed for certain situations in my life and what direction to go in. I’ve made many decisions, by faith, that some have questioned. Some life decisions have seemed silly or even foolish, but it’s just one step in my preparation process. Just like Esther, we have to prepare in order to walk into our purpose. She didn't just show up one day, become queen, and save her entire race, the end. It was a process. A long process. She had to prepare a whole year before even seeing the king! But guess what? When the time came, she was ready! Everything was perfectly aligned for the plan and purpose God had!
I’m so thankful to say that, like Esther, I’ve been preparing, and my time is coming near to meet my destiny! I’m seeing the first steps of God ending this stage of waiting. He knows how much I can take, and he knows I can’t take much more. The heavens are about to open, and I’m ready!
A few years ago, just last year, or even a few months ago, I don't think I would have been ready for these changes coming, but God’s timing is perfect! He never skips a beat! He has every last step planned out and timed out with great precision! He’s seen me the whole time.
Our Father sees you. He knows the state you are in and has you there for a reason. Think about Esther again. She went through six months of purification with oils of myrrh (Esther 2:12). Myrrh is used to cleanse and heal. Have you allowed the Lord to gut the world out of your life? Has he had the opportunity to cleanse you: mind, body, soul, and spirit? Have you let him bind up your wounds from past devastation? Have you relinquished bitter, hateful, ill feelings you may have been carrying around? This is part of your preparation process! The Lord wants to change you before he can change your circumstance!
After being purified and healed, Esther went through six months with perfumes and cosmetics. It wasn't ’til all the old gunk was cleansed and her wounds were bound that the Lord could fill her with his beauty. She had the sweet, pleasing aroma of the Lord poured all over her and people noticed!
These steps were essential for Esther to walk into her purpose. Her preparation produced purpose in her life! It will do the same for you! Prepare today. Be ready, for such a time as this!
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