Saturday, February 18, 2017

By Kenya Gossett

Intimacy with God. Do we have it? Not just a quick, sloppy prayer and 5 minute reading of the Bible. But a pure, relentless, pursuing, every day communion with the heart of God. Ministering to Him. Seeking the treasure coves of Heaven. and in return, being fulfilled with the greatest love we could ever receive: walking as carriers of the true light and power of the Most High. 

I don’t know how this world copes without Jesus. The best way I can even describe my relationship with Him, is that He is my very breath. I can’t go a day without His presence. He is the lover of my soul. Even when I go through times of feeling as if I’m walking through a wilderness, I still know that He surrounds me. I won’t leave Him alone until a mountain appears. because it’s when I enter the mountain, that His Glory falls freshly upon my weariness. The key is not giving up. He honors that. 
I am then able to go back into the valley, having the embers of my heart ignited and the rivers of my spirit overflowing so that I can find those who are wandering: in need of the same touch.

There’s nothing like having an encounter with God.

I love the story of The Transfiguration in Luke 9 because it’s a prime example of what happens when you have a mountain top experience with our Heavenly Father and how it transforms your very being. 
It changes the rhythm of your heart.

“Now about eight days after these teachings, He took Peter and John and James and went up on the mountain to pray. As He (Jesus) was praying, the appearance of His face became different (actually transformed), and His clothing became white and flashing with brilliances of lightning.” Luke 9:28-29 amp

What stood out to me in this verse was that the outer appearance of Jesus became different after His time of prayer. He was radiant. The glory fell. Instruction was given through the prophets, Moses and Elijah. The cloud overshadowed them and God spoke saying “This is my Beloved Son, My Chosen One, listen and obey and yield to Him!”. 

But His transformation wasn’t the only thing that changed. 3 more things followed as He was in the presence of His Father: 1. a revelation was imparted concerning the future. 2. a surrendering, obedient heart was required to all who were present. and 3. He went forth to continue His mission. 

Jesus was then ready to continue His earthly ministry and change the lives of those who were waiting for Him at the end of the mountain. Now we know that Jesus and God is one in the same. He didn’t need to be filled in order to manifest miracles. But everything that Jesus did was an example of what we need to follow after as His children. He was constantly communing and separating Himself in quietness with the Father: showing what a true prayer life consists of. 

The Transfiguration showed us that everything we need is in the presence of God.

It open the very gates of Heaven: releasing freedom, healing, strength, answers to your questions and direction. When we are immersed, we are given the right to exercise power and authority over all demons and to heal diseases. When we are obedient, the keys to set all of the captives free will be placed in our hands. When we are willing, we will have all of the the right tools to spring up a well in the driest of places. BUT, it is up to us if we want to grab a hold of that. We can’t walk in that kind of anointing, if we are only giving God the leftovers of our heart. He longs for every part of us. We can’t be like the disciples who fell asleep as Jesus was praying on the mount. We can’t afford to miss the fullness.

Beloved, pursue God with everything in you. Ask and you shall receive. Knock and the door will be opened. Seek and you shall find. Don’t leave Him alone until Heaven comes down to earth to meet you. Make it a priority to find that time alone with Him. Shut out distractions. Put away your phone. Even cancel plans if you must because you meeting with Jesus, is vital. Not only for your walk, but for the people around you. 

There is a remnant at the end of the mountain that needs to be awakened. They are waiting for someone who carries the Glory of God. Just think of the power that will come when believers really step into their calling and fulfill what God has asked us to do?! “Go forth and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” That’s what it’s all about, friends. This world is desperately crying out for hope. We can’t sit still and become stagnant. We have to force our flesh to climb that mountain and MOVE into the fullness of what God has for us, so that He can complete His Word! Our time is short. 

So be a carrier. Clothe yourself with the Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 13:14) Carry the aroma of the Word. Carry a heart that is filled with God and Him alone. Carry His perfect love. and carry the torch, igniting a wildfire for the whole world to see. So that they too may come to know our wonderful Savior. For Such A Time As This. 

Love, Kenya-Nicole

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