Mercy Triumphs
By: Kenya Gossett
From the moment you open your eyes and take your first breath in the morning: God's mercies are new. What happened yesterday is gone. Forgotten. and while your mind may be going over every detail of the past: God has no idea what you're talking about. How beautiful is that?! All He sees is a clean future for His child. A future of peace and a fulfillment of every promise. His love hasn't changed. He remains sure and faithful, even in our moment of unfaithfulness.
Some of you reading this today have been tormented in your mind by the enemy, telling you the opposite of what the Word of God clearly states concerning those who have truly repented. I have seen one identity attack after another the last 2 weeks and I'm sick of the devils games. I'm here to expose truth and tell you that Satan is a filthy liar who would like nothing more than to tell you that it's over. Or that Jesus doesn't love you anymore. Or that you have to carry shame for the rest of your life. NO. Fight back!
“for all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God;” Romans 3:23 WMB
This life will not go by without us making a mistake. But it's in our time of failing, that we (prayerfully) develop a greater fear of God and a deeper knowledge of His grace. In no way do we need to be in bondage to sin. This is where the enemy has a field day. Satan will use guilt, fear and condemnation, as a tool to make your mind snap.
It says in Romans 8 that there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. Because it's over. It's covered. The moment Jesus said "It is finished" on the cross, His love destroyed the grip of sin.
So the oppression you are currently facing is nothing but the enemy trying to kill, steal and destroy. That's not how the Holy Spirit operates. His ways are pure. peaceful. and so loving when we fall. The Lord does not willingly afflict grief upon His children. His heart wouldn't dare. (Lamentations 3:33)
The Kingdom reality is this: you are forgiven. Every sin is cast as far as the east is from the west. You are pure. There's no flaw or blemish in you. You are free. Anything that goes against the Word of God, has no reign in your mind.
Your history has been re-written. You don't have to live in fear, because fear can not be found in God. His love over you casts out every unclean, oppressive spirit. His mercy triumphs over judgment, every time.
From this day forward, know His love on a deeper level. Reverence Him. Cherish His grace. Don't ever abuse it. Love Him with all of your heart, soul, and mind. Cast down vain imaginations and any thought that is saying you're a failure. Stop looking back because your whole life is ahead of you!
The devil knows his time is short. That's why the intensity of the attacks are worse than anything I have ever heard of. So next time he tries to take you out, you remind him of his future and send him down the street talking to himself.
He can not touch you anymore. You are a CHILD OF GOD.
After you read this, please take some time to shut yourself in with God and pour out your heart. Start magnifying Him. Thank Jesus. Tell Him that you love Him and all of the reasons WHY you love Him. Let the Holy Spirit consume every area of your body. This is the key.
You will begin to see every burden, spirit of shame, and the control of sin lift from your mind. So in Jesus name, I proclaim freedom from every stronghold over every precious daughter or son that is reading this.
Mercy has just triumphed in your life. Praise Him. For Such A Time As This.
“I have wiped out your transgressions like a thick cloud And your sins like a heavy mist. Return to Me, for I have redeemed you.”
Isaiah 44:22 AMP
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