By: Jerae LaRance
When I was approached by our beloved friend, Kenya, to share something on my heart with our fellow sisters (brothers) in the Lord, I really didn’t know what to share. I pondered this for awhile and I sat down with the Lord, asking what was on His heart. Not to long after, unity, was laid in my heart. I was excited about this. To be real, I’m not a writer and I’ve never had to seek the Lord for a word to share with an audience or let alone a person. Doing something like this is out of my comfort zone, but all those things left when Jesus gave me this revelation from His heart. I’m so blessed to be able to share this with you.
When you think about unity, isn’t it such a powerful word? When I think about unity I can’t help but think of the Power Rangers. I remember watching this show as a kid at my grandma’s house, not really understanding what was going on. All I knew was I wanted to be the pink Power Ranger. To give a short synopsis for those who don’t what I’m referring to, the Power Rangers was a kids show back in the 90s, that was centered around five teenagers. A certain higher deity chose and gave each of them special capabilities and powers. Whenever they united in force using their powers, they could take on any threats that came their way. Now how awesome is that. Unity is powerful when used for good, on the flip side it’s even powerful under the influence of evil...
According Merriam-Webster’s dictionary: unity is the state of being in full agreement. Oxford Dictionaries says: unity is the state of being united or joined as a whole. “Heis”: means one in greek. Unity, in greek, is “Henotes”, which literally means oneness, unanimity, or agreement. In Hebrew, “chabar,” is to unite, join, bind together, be joined, be in league, heap up, have fellowship with, etc.
Now that I’ve laid a little foundation for you, let’s build on it. My writing skills are limited so please bear with me beloved. I hope this speaks to your spirit, despite any human filter or error in this message.
At the Last Supper (just to give a little summary), Jesus shared the Father’s heart with His disciples. He warned them of the things that would come to pass so they would not stumble. He promised them the Holy Spirit. He told them to love one another as He loved them. He shared so many important truths. Concluding the night with His disciples, Jesus prayed to the Father on their behalf. Towards the end of His prayer, He said something so powerful and profound:
(please read the scripture a couple times, really grasp what he’s asking)
Jesus’ plea to the Father was for us to be in UNITY with Him just as He is in the Father. How wonderful is that? He paid such a heavy price, beloved, for us to be one with Him. Listen to this next statement... True Unity (Oneness) in Christ is to LOVE... If you do not love, you do not know God, because God IS LOVE. Even at the Last Supper, one of the first things Jesus told His disciples, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples (“disciplined” ones) if you have LOVE for one another” (John 13:34-35). When we love, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us.”But why should we love?” Because He loved us FIRST! Before the foundation of the world He knew YOU. You were the first thing in His heart before He created the earth. Once He built a dwelling place for His beloved, he than created man, who was already purposed in His heart. He saved the best for last! Although man sinned and lost his divinity, Jesus restored all that back!
The cross is the biggest act of Love the earth will ever see. His love casts out all fear and nothing can separate us from His love. I know a lot of us know these truths, but you MUST know it in your heart. Knowing in your mind is not the same as knowing in your heart. When we know in our heart, we are changed because Christ dwells in our hearts through faith.
His love is His power. He demonstrated His love by the shedding of His Blood. It heals the sick, casts out devils, raises the dead, and causes the blind to see. His love also heals our heart, spirit, and soul. People have hurt us and we still carry wounds that need to be healed. The spirit of a man sustains him in sickness, But as for a broken spirit who can bear it? (Proverbs 18:14). Do not go another day without seeking healing in your spirit. Our souls also carry iniquity that is passed down generations from our bloodline. The bible says we are “born into sin.” If you do not have peace in your spirit, ask to expose and rid you of the iniquity in your soul. He wants nothing more than for you to be made whole in Him. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit (Psalm 34:18 NIV).
To be in unity with Him, we must know His Love. Even if you are saved, you have to know His Love, or you will stumble. Men will come and prophesy, cast out demons, and do mighty works in His name, but they did not know Him (Matt 27:21-23). He knows our heart. Do not be these people and not know HIM. We must surrender ourselves everyday! Live a life of repentance (change in the inner man, change of mind). Don’t be prideful, beloved. Pride will blind you and you will miss God. Walk in humility, set aside all your ways and don’t look at your failures or weaknesses, but look to His success and strength. Have confidence in Him, not in yourselves. His ways are higher and greater.
Please do not doubt His goodness and faithfulness. Doubt causes double-mindedness (loyalty divided between God and the world). Has He not created the waters, the earth, and the creatures that fill it? Has He not created You in His image? Do you realize how special you are beloved? Out of all the earth, galaxies and heavens, He CHOSE YOU as His dwelling place, you are His temple (1 Cor 3:16-17). Even the angels are amazed by You. They rejoice when even one soul repents. Its an honor for them to be in our midst. Please realize your value to Him. Ask if you have to, he’ll show you. Remember He pleaded to the Father for you to be One with Him.
He desires this so much, but you have to draw near and be intimate with Him. Intimacy (closeness) with Him is important in our unity. Our soul craves intimacy. Which is why people stumble and invest their hearts in the wrong people or doctrine. Jesus is the only WAY. We cannot survive off of Sunday and Wednesday night services, we seek and abide in Him EVERYDAY. Draw close to Him and He will draw close to you. Seek His ways, and know His truths. Seek the treasures of Heaven, they are worth more than any treasure on the earth. And He will SHOW you! He will reward those who delightly seek Him because he is a just God! Righteousness and Justice are foundation of His Throne. If fathers and mothers of the world know how to give good gifts to their children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him! If He gave you His own Son, Jesus, He will give you everything if you believe! Why wouldn’t we want to love someone who would do this for you and me.
Please beloved do not harden your heart against Him. Don’t rebel against Him like they did in Moses day. The Father only wanted to bless His children, but the Israelites grumbled and complained about their circumstances. Even after He delivered them and did all the sign and wonders, they still rebelled and did not take take their promise land. How much more does He have to prove to you before you believe Him. He JUST wants to bless you!
Instead beloved, walk in the Fruits of the Spirit and love not only in word and talk but in deed and truth. When we do this, we began to walk as Jesus did, in humility, gentleness, patience, and in unselfish love, eager to maintain the the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (love). We are one body of believers under one Spirit, called to one hope (salvation), one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all (Eph 4:1-6). Once you and the Godhead are united, You are a powerful force my friend. You will walk in peace like you never have before.
I’m not at all writing this to appear self righteous. I tell you these things because I am guilty! I’ve hardened my heart against God. I’ve passed judgement on people because of my own insecurity, I’ve withheld love from people that really needed it. I’ve walked in rejection, jealousy, impurity, doubt, and rebellion. I knew God my whole life, in fact I was baptized by the Holy Spirit, in the womb. My mom was 8 months pregnant with me, her belly was ‘violently’ shaking as she was being touched by the Holy Spirit in a prayer meeting. I grew up in church and heard the Word my whole life, yet I still hardened my heart against God. He never left me. So many times in my life He helped me even when I didn’t acknowledge Him. I thank Him everyday for giving me grace and never giving up on me, despite my rebellion. His love is so pure, beloved. He’s trying to reach out to you. Whether it’d be through that annoying aunt that tells you about Jesus all the time. Or that ‘crazy’ guy on street, yelling in his megaphone about Jesus. He’s always speaking to you. You’re just not listening.
Now that I’ve surrendered to Him, I’m able to receive His Word. Letting Him show me how to walk and be in unity with Him has been so liberating. Oh man, the freedom that comes from abiding in Him is such a revelation. I still have so much to learn about being one with Him and so do you! What I’ve shared is what I know about His goodness and His love. And I hope YOU reading this will lead you to be even more hungry for God and to seek out more of the depth of His love and unknown truths.
To conclude this ‘novel,’ I want to say just one last thing on my heart. Unity applies to the body of Christ more than anything. When Jesus prayed to the Father at the Last Supper, it wasn’t just you, individually, being one with the Godhead. It was for all of us who believe in Christ. He said “that they may ALL be One, just as you, Father, are in Me, and I in You, that they also may be in US, so that the world may believe that You have sent Me.” This means we HAVE to be an example. Yes, we're not perfect and we make mistakes, but WE ARE the vessels. And He is the true vine. All of our supply, provision, and Fruit come from Him. He will always meet our need. Whether it’s more peace, wisdom, love, money. Yes I said money. He WILL provide beloved, when you do not rely on money, but on God, he will never forsake your need.
In almost every letter Paul wrote to the church, he appealed to us to walk in unity of mind, sympathy (compassion), and brotherly love. To forgive each other, as the Lord has forgiven you. Don’t be haughty, but associate with lowly. Never be wise in your own sight. Above all these things putting on LOVE, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. We are one body with many members and we do not all function the same. We all have different gifts according to the grace God gave us. Every part cannot do without the other. God gives great honor to each part in the body of Christ. Even the gifts we think are less honorable, HE gives the greater honor. Remember a house divided against itself cannot stand. We are ALL meant to attain the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, so we no longer are tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of false doctrine. Rather to speak truth in love and be joined by Christ and grow and build each other up in LOVE.
Be united with Him today beloved. Be of the same mind and heart. Abide in His love. Seek His ways. Let Him show you and guide you. Don’t put Him in a box. I’ve done this. He is a big God. Let Him move freely in your life. This is a challenge for me as well, writing this to you was on of the biggest obstacles I’ve leaped in my life. Insecurity, doubt, attacking every minute of writing, but when my eyes are on HIM, He’s able to freely move and comfort me and bring me peace. My hope is that you would receive even just one word I’ve said in this message. His hope is for you to receive all that He has, all that He died for. Don’t waste another day not walking in His will. Be fruitful and walk with the Spirit. Be united with Him today beloved.
P.S: I believe that there’s a great unity that will come to the body of Christ like never before. God has a plan to unite all things in Him, in the fullness of time. Read Ephesians 1:11-14.
P.S.S: I’m so so sorry this was long. I don’t like reading long subjects either, but I felt a lot of you are indeed hungry for more of God and His ways and I sincerely hope you received what I had to say.
Here’s some scriptures for you who truly want to understand His heart and will for you and the body of Christ to be UNITED with Him: Rom 15:5, Psalm 133:1-3, Psalm 26:2, Eph 4:1-6,13-16, Malachi 2:10-12, 1 Cor 1:10, Col 3:13-14, 1 Peter 3:8, 1 John 4:12, Romans 12:3-7,16, Phil 2: 1-2, Eph 1:3-10, Eph 2:11-22, Gal 3:25-28, 1 Cor 12:12-30, Romans 5:6, Matt 12:25, Mark 3:24, Proverbs 23:26, Proverbs 3:5
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