Friday, July 8, 2016

In The Stillness
By: Kenya Gossett

Stillness: the absence of sound or noise. Quietness. Calmness. An absence of motion or disturbance. Peace.

This word has been like a resounding thunder in my spirit. I’ve been pursuing it with everything in me. 
My mind tends to take on more than I can handle. I overthink until I drive myself over the edge. Sometimes, I’m just a complete mess, drowning in doubt. Until recently… A scripture that I have heard my whole life, finally clicked. It’s been following me in the last month and each time, it was a confirmation that I needed to apply it to myself. “Be still and know that I am God.” Psalms 46:10 

But I asked, how do you really become still in a storm? It’s easier to say than do. Yes, we know God is faithful. We know that He will come through. But how can we truly change our mindset until then? How can we stop the noise in the fast paced, dark world we live in? 
How do we develop a deep trust to just know?

The Holy Spirit answered and it was simple. The key is true intimacy, a close familiarity. 
It’s entering into a secret place, on your knees. It’s spending time in the throne room, surrounded by His majestic, healing glory. It’s entering the mountain, surrendering yourself to the burning flame of I Am. It is THERE, that you will get your peace, your answers, His voice and His heart. When we take time to actually learn who He is through His Word, He will take you higher and deeper in the anointing. That has been the cry of my heart. I want more. and I want to see His people carry the same desire. But we’ve become tired. We’ve busied ourselves with this life. and that’s where the problem has stemmed. Spending 5 minutes in the Word and saying a quick prayer, isn’t going to help us survive in the long run. I know this because I’ve gone through it. When my time in His presence decreased, the battles in my heart increased. 

We need a relationship with God. We need to be in constant communion with Him. He needs to become real to us. and it’s in the stillness where all of this will be fulfilled. 
Even if you don’t know what to say or where to start with Him, it’s okay. You don’t need to say a word. He knows all and sees all. All He wants is your heart and a willingness to receive.

Get on your knees and wait. He may not speak right away. But wait. He will show up. You will start to have Heavenly experiences and revelations straight from the mind of God. When you come out of His presence, you will start seeing circumstances change around you. Your mind will become clearer and your usual response to things will be different because you will just KNOW. You will know who is God over your heart. You will know who is God over your life. You will know who is God over your storm. 

Dear ones, if you are struggling, I encourage you to press in. Even if you don’t feel like it. By faith, call down the One who brings the stillness. He is all around you, waiting to be exalted. Waiting to give you peace. He is ever faithful and ever true. 

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