The Butterfly
By: Kenya Gossett
\\metamorphosis : the change of the form or nature of a thing or person, to a completely different one, by natural or supernatural means.//
I think everyone can agree that 2017 was a rough one. Our faith was stretched in every way possible. Although we experienced brief moments of joy and expectation of the future our God holds, I'm not gonna lie... it was a STRUGGLE. For some, just straight up dreadful, painful and exhausting. (Thank you Jesus for a new year!) but the struggles we have gone through and still might be facing, play a huge role in the way God is going to use this season for the ministry ahead of us.
I'm going to use the butterfly as an example.
It's amazing how even nature represents the beautiful timing and handiwork of our God.
In order for the caterpillar to become a butterfly, it has to go through a season of intense struggle before it can build enough strength in their wings to fly. Then there must be a time of rest, before it can break out of the cocoon, or else it will damage the wings. and when the process is done, they have to hang in the cocoon just a little bit longer, as they wait for the blood to rush through their body. It can take hours! Talk about FRUSTRATING, right? The work is DONE but they still have to wait for the moment to break free.
At one time or another, we have all felt that way in our relationship with God. We go through a lot of restless, uncomfortable seasons, filled with A LOT of change, just waiting for the moment to push through those boundaries. Spiritually, we have been waiting for months- maybe even years to spread our wings and FLY.
As humans, we want everything done like yesterday. We want to move. We want those unfulfilled promises. But sometimes, God requires us to BE STILL, let go and fully embrace the process like the butterfly: knowing that He is God over all. Our whole destiny depends on the reaction we have now to the cocoon.
There's a story I grew up hearing about a man who out of the kindness of his heart, helped a butterfly come out of the cocoon. As he was watching the butterfly struggle and struggle to push through this small hole, he noticed that the butterfly stopped as if it was stuck. He ran to get a pair of scissors and snipped off some of the cocoon, making the opening much bigger. His heart couldn't stand watching the pain. So he thought he was doing the butterfly a service. What he didn't understand was that in his haste, he completely destroyed the butterfly's chance to fly. The butterfly then emerged, but not as it should be. It had a swollen body and shriveled wings. Why? because it NEEDED the pain of pushing. That's what made the fluid rush to the wings to add STRENGTH and BEAUTY.
When we're in pain, it's natural for us to look for an easy way out. We tend to push the panic button, before we realize that our season has been orchestrated by God. He wants to give us new perspective. New revelation. NEW WINGS.
That's why we are being beautifully perfected. Our form is being changed into the likeness of God, our Creator. We'll never be able to fly to new atmospheres, new places or even be given an ariel view of His plan, if we don't allow ourselves to go through a season of struggle.
Beloved, don't abort the plan of God for your life just because you're tired- discontent and impatient. It won't always be like this, I promise.
This is our year to take flight and RECEIVE the inheritance of Heaven. I see the daughters of God in 2018 with glistening JEWELS in their wings. Each one representing what they have earned from battle. They will carry the sweet aroma and victory of Jesus Christ: blessing other young girls with wings of freedom.
So don't give up now. Breakthrough is near. Your struggle is for a greater purpose. It's beautiful. It's precious. You are being created, For Such A Time As This.
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