Stone Thrower
By: Kenya Gossett
“However, when they persisted in questioning Him, He straightened up and said, “He who is without [any] sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.” Then He stooped down again and started writing on the ground.”
John 8:7-8 AMP
I'm going to be real and this might be a tough pill to swallow. But it's easy to be like the Pharisees and hold the stone high towards someone we have caught in sin. Our hearts can be critical and unforgiving. We can quickly forget about the mercy of God and how at one time, we needed Jesus to save us from the same sin we have accused others of. We want to be loved unconditionally and shown grace in our shortcomings, but once God asks us to do the same with others, we clench the stone.
Sin is sin. It doesn't matter how small or how big it is. None of us is above reproach. None of it is overlooked by God. So we have absolute no right to dwell in a state of bitterness towards a friend, a church, a pastor, or whatever it may be.
Unless we let the working of the Holy Spirit come and soften our hearts, it will become a pile of dirt. Our walk will become a path of error and perversion.
When Jesus knelt down to write in the dirt, it does not say what He was writing or why He was even doing that in front of the Pharisees. But I believe it represents the heart of those who purposefully caught this woman in adultery to shame her. Jesus was showing them that their heart was dirty. Their intentions were not to help her or restore her. Yet they quickly realized they were hypocrites.
So how impressed do you think God is when we act in the same manner? He's not. Our role is not to condemn. That belongs to God and someday ALL of us will have to stand before Him. Our role is to restore, reconcile, speak life, and love those who are the hardest to love. When our spirits are grieved, the best thing we can to for everybody involved is to pray. Not to dwell on it. Not to gather with others who have found the same common ground to deepen the bitterness. But to PRAY.
I've seen A LOT in ministry. If I sat down and shared every single messy situation that I've walked through, you would wonder why I am still here serving God today. I could of easily snapped and walked away tainted and angry. Some say I even had the right to. But I am thankful for the grace that kept me. I allowed the Lord to soften my heart and sweeten my spirit.
I discerned what to receive and what to throw out. I wasn't bothered anymore. The key was letting the Lord handle me. That is where my victory came from. Did it change the people that hurt me? No. Did it change twisters in the spirit? Nope. But it changed what happened in my heart.
The greatest lesson I have learned is that God is more concerned about OUR character, than He is the one we are throwing the stone at. He will knock at the door of OUR heart. Not the one we are so angry with. This is where the enemy comes in with deception. Many get away with being un-dealt with, because of their higher than thou mentality. They think they are OK and are praying for judgment on everyone and their dog.
Not realizing, that if they're not careful, it will meet with them. This is a very serious principle.
"Work out your OWN salvation with fear and trembling.” Philippians 2:12 KJV
“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;” Romans 3:23 KJV
There's absolutely no excuse to walk away from the faith or to walk in disobedience because someone burned us. We have never been given the green light to build off hurt.
God is still faithful, and God is still good, even when people fail.
My spirit is frustrated. This is why people can't change because there is no perseverance. No grace. No desire to breath on dry bones. Most just walk away but yet want God to do miracles in their life. If only we could get past our hang ups and go out restoring the souls who need it most, it would turn the Kingdom upside down.
We need a lens change. We need to view people differently. We have to remember that God always looks at the future of the individual. He calls forth our destiny and our gifts. Not our sin, not the past, not the present: but who we can/will become for His Kingdom if we get it right. It's not His heart for any to perish, but for ALL to come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)
It's time for a heart check. I know that it's easier to say than do. Trust me, my internal fight didn't end overnight. I had to work through a lot of tears and mess. But my willingness to lay down myself in order for others to live and find the love of God, is what saved me.
Exchange your heart for the heart of Heaven.
Show compassion to ones who are ashamed. Bring peace to the ones who are tormented. Give forgiveness to the ones who have done unspeakable damage. Radiate love to the ones who no ones wants to touch. The keys of deliverance belong to us. Amen?!
Drop your stone. For Such A Time As This.
“Brethren, if any person is overtaken in misconduct or sin of any sort, you who are spiritual [who are responsive to and controlled by the Spirit] should set him right and restore and reinstate him, without any sense of superiority and with all gentleness, keeping an attentive eye on yourself, lest you should be tempted also.” Galatians 6:1 AMP
“Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful. Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:”
Luke 6:36-37 KJV
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