He Deserves My Excellence
By: Melody Mohnhaupt
Am I giving God my best? What is my time most dedicated to? What is it that I can’t wait to do the moment I get free time? Am I feeding my flesh or my spirit? Am I waiting in anticipation to be with the Lord? These are tough questions to ask sometimes.Recently, I’ve had to ask myself these questions. And truth be told, I struggled. I knew once I asked them, I’d have to be honest with myself. Deep down, I knew there was much room for improvement.When I think about what I’m called to do as a Christian, and then examine my daily life, I see that I’ve fallen much too short. I’m not taking this life as seriously as I should be. I’m waisting precious time. Yes, I minister the word of the Lord, and I do reach out to others. I seek the Lord and attempt each day to please Him through my obedience. Unfortunately, I think a few things have slipped through the cracks. I’ve focused so much on the big things that the little things slid right by. Those moment to moment areas in my life. The non- Bible time/ministry time moments I have all to myself that I can use for whatever I’d like.I can’t wait to get home and watch that show that I know I’d be embarrassed to watch if Jesus was sitting next to me. I choose to spend my time on crafts or activities just to relax and clear my head. These things are taking my time away from developing my relationship with the Lord and ministering to his people in an even greater way. I miss opportunities because of my own self indulgence. a part of my day is dedicated to feeding my soul instead of my spirit.I must make a change. God deserves my excellence. In everything I do, I must do it for the Lord. Even the silly little things that I might think aren't that big of a deal: like giving up my craft time to sit in His presence, or giving up that show when my soul really really wants to know what happens next! I have a purpose and these things aren't helping me fulfill that purpose.Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with having hobbies or watching TV. I’m not saying that at all. These are my own convictions. But what is it that I’m exposing myself to? Will it benefit me? What are my priorities? Have I unknowingly made these things idols in my life? Do I have more enthusiasm to watch that show or to read my Bible? Yikes.I want to fill myself with the best so that I can offer up the best. If I'd be embarrassed to spend my time doing whatever it is I do if Jesus was with me, then it’s best not to do it. If his word speaks agains it, I better not touch it (as entertaining or harmless as it may seem). If I find more pleasure in doing something than I do spending time with him… I need to take a step back and fix something.Part of being a Christian (a big part) is laying our lives down daily. Killing our flesh. One of my past blogs, entitled “He’s Killing Me”, was focused on letting the Lord kill our flesh so we can be filled with the spirit. This goes hand and hand with that idea. Today I want to prompt you to take a good, hard look at your life. Is there room for improvement? Your human. Of course there is.Don’t let meaningless (and especially don't let harmful) things distract or take you away from your purpose. Be different. Set apart. On a mission. Watchful. Sharp. Ready.Offer God your excellence. Your very best. Everything you have to offer. Doesn’t He deserve that? That time. Those shows. Whatever it may be. Spending time with him or serving his people can never be compared to the things of this world. Nothing is more valuable in this life than Him.
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