Ministry. Are you faithful to yours?
By: Joanna Ledet
Over the past month, I found my conversations and church services to be about ministries. Thank you Lord, I hear you and I will strive for perfection concerning what you have entrusted to me.
Ministry. I have a ministry. You have a ministry. God gives everyone a ministry, but we cannot serve and do it wholeheartedly, unless there is a true submission to Christ. There are ministries all throughout the church, your life is your ministry, but are you dedicated to yours. Are you faithful?
When we think ministries, most of us anyway, we think I have to get up and preach the word, or sing this song, or I have to be in front of everyone. Nope, not at all. See, in my opinion, I find those most honorable, are the “unseen” ministries. You know, the ministries people avoid, because it’s no notoriety. The ministries, no one wants to do because it actually takes work, and you don’t get as many pats on the back. Those who clean the church, you love walking in that beautiful sanctuary, don’t you? Clean floors, bibles neat, air/heat just right? What about those who keep the tissues stocked, ready for crying eyes, or stuffy noses? The intercessors. You see, they pray, keep the pastor and his family covered in prayer. The church family covered in prayer. Those with the Gift of Helps. Always right there, ready to give up their time and substance and actually do it in secret.
Then you have those who work in ministries that are “seen”, such as music, deacons, ministers, ushers, mission work, so on and so forth. At my church I work in the music ministry, where I am a worship leader. I preach occasionally as well. While so many people want to be seen, the pats on the back and recognition, we fail to stop and realize that with ministry, comes responsibility. Whatever our ministry is, unseen or seen, we are responsible for keeping our ministries blameless. We are responsible for living a life holy and acceptable unto Him.
Now, back to being blameless. The bible declares that we (saints of God) are peculiar people. We are the salt of the earth. We are the city set up on a hill that cannot be hid. That means we stand out and are set apart from the world. If we strive for perfection we know that our ministries will reflect just that. As a woman of God, I strive to carry myself as such. You will not hear profanity in my conversation, you will not catch me in ungodly settings, there's certain things I won't wear, and you will not catch me with alcohol. I believe that Holiness can be displayed as well. I cannot do these things and expect someone to take me seriously. If I’m going out clubbing, who would want to listen to me preach to them? If I'm drunk or walking around in mini skirts and crop tops, would you take me seriously as a woman of God? The bible says that if any man be in Christ he becomes a new creature. The things I used to do, I no longer do them. The places I used to go I don’t go anymore, my conversation is made new. We have to watch every aspect when it comes to our ministry. If someone knows what I stand for and catch me being rude and ugly, I could offend my brother or sister and cause him or her to not take my life seriously. I can not do what I want, when I want, how I want, but it's Lord, whatever you want from me I’m available to you.
There are billions of people in the world, but God chose you. Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it to you. I came across that scripture when I first was saved. It really blessed my heart to know that He chose me. It could have been anyone, but it was me He chose and ordained to do His will. I’m saying all of that to say, when God gives you something to do, it is well done. He will not give you something to do and not have it worked out for you already. Now, don’t think you won’t have some test and trials along the way. They only come to perfect us, to strengthen us. The word of God says in James 1:2-4 My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire wanting nothing. You see when we hold fast during our trials, we are rewarded spiritually and naturally. He knew that you could go through the trials and test, when he chose you. He knew that you would not give up on Him. Just like He had faith in Job, He has faith in us. I can tell you firsthand in my experiences, there was times I just felt like giving up. I couldn’t understand why I was going through so much; maybe this life isn’t worth it. I don’t feel like God can hear or see me, or He’s ignoring me. All the while He was bringing me through the fire to be tried and purified for my ministry. When trials come upon you, grab the altar! Pray without ceasing! He’s perfecting you, building you. He wants to know if you’ll break or stand with him no matter what.
8 years it has been, since being saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost. I don’t plan on giving up. It has been a journey of highs and lows. A lot of second guessing, trials… BUT, GOD. Through all of it He’s never given up on me. I’m forever thankful to the Lord for that. I want to share this one thing with you, we are in a war with the devil and God is searching for soldiers. Whatever ministry God has chosen for you, do it! Do it with all that you have to give. If you choose not to, God will choose someone else who’s willing to do the work. God gives everyone freedom of choice, it's up to us to do the work that He has for us. Whether you flat out say no to your ministry or you cannot fulfill your duties due to your own rebellion, God will look for someone who wants to proclaim the gospel uncompromisingly. We cannot be unstable in this life or waiver. Our minds and hearts have to be fixed on doing the will of God. Whatever, or wherever your ministry is we are all the body of Christ. If you are part of the foot, be the best foot ever, the body cannot stand unless there be a foot. Every part is needed we have to function as one body, one mind and one accord. Stay faithful; stay blameless, you’re chosen.
Love, Joanna
Great blog!