Shut the Door to Sin
By: Melody Mohnhaupt
Do you remember getting into fights with your siblings when you were younger? A quarrel would break out, and before you knew it, you were running for your life! You would bolt into the nearest room for safety, race in the doorway as fast as possible, and slam the door behind you. But, if you had fast siblings (like I did), I’m sure, a time or two, they slid their foot in the frame RIGHT as you were attempting to shut them out. At that point, you knew you were in trouble. Once they got their foot in the door, and had that opening, they had the opportunity to fight their way in.
What does this have to do with sin? Well, we all go through situations that involve us battling sin at some point or another. Some sin is more difficult to battle against. When we finally come to that place where we make the choice to repent and shut the door to sin, we need to ACTUALLY shut the door completely! Even though it may hurt like crazy, and some might not understand fully, unless that door is sealed and bolted, the enemy can find his way back in. He will look for any crack that might let him in; and boy is she sneaky.
For example, one thing that I’ve struggled with through the years is boys. Shocker. Like most girls, I enjoy attention every once in a while. I’d love to find my significant other and who doesn't want to be adored? So, I had engaged in a few relationships. Because I was raised as a Christian, and genuinely wanted God’s will (in the long run), my soul and spirit constantly battled with each other. My soul would tell me how nice, funny, attractive, and caring these guys were. My spirit would line them, as well as our relationship, up with the Bible, and each time, I knew I wasn't measuring up to God’s standards for me.
Realizing that these relationships were not God’s will for me, and in some cases, even causing me to compromise my walk, scared me. Because of this, a time or two, I broke things off. I told myself I wanted God’s will, and tried to move on, but I never shut the door completely. I ran away from the problem thinking I was fine, but I left the door open just enough for the enemy to get his foot in.
Let me give you an even more specific example. Once, I broke off a relationship with a guy that I knew deep down in my heart was not God’s will for me. I felt that nagging reminder all throughout the relationship, but ignored it. Once I finally broke things off, I thought all was well. However, I told him that if he ever needed me, he was free to contact me. I wanted to remain friends. But I didn't realize I was keeping that door open. He would contact me every now and then telling me he missed me, asking to see me, and would express his feelings toward me. This was SO difficult to stand against. Not because I still had feelings, or wanted those things in return, but I was so afraid to hurt him more than I already did.
Because I was weak, I gave in. And before I even realized it, we were back together. The second time around our relationship lasted a few years. By accepting something for myself that was out of God’s will for me, I had opened a door that brought the enemy straight into my life. I learned how to completely ignore the voice of the Holy Spirit to the point that I didn't even hear Him anymore. That is a place I never want to be again. Thankfully, the Lord rescued me from that relationship (even though I had no desire, at the time, of being rescued).
Fast forward a few years, and lo and behold, I found myself nearly in the exact same situation. I thought I had learned by lesson, but apparently I hadn’t. It’s true what they say; history really does repeat itself. But only if you allow it to. I was tired of fighting and allowing Satan to get his foot in. No more.
I finally made the decision not to let that happen again. I slammed the door in the enemy’s face, locked it, and gave the key to Jesus. I realized that God has so much for me, but if I kept messing around, I would never see those promises. I had to discipline myself to wait for His perfect will. Which meant closing the door to the things that we not God’s perfect will. Thank God for His mercy, because that is exactly what I am now doing.
God has doors lined up for you to walk though and receive the blessings He has waiting for you on the other sides, but He will never allow you to open them, until you completely shut the doors to sin. It hurts sometimes. I get it. But, if you don’t, your spiritual destiny could be at risk. You could abort all the plans He has for you. Why keep the door open to something that is keeping you from the fullness of God’s abundant favor in your life?
Whatever your door is, whether it’s something similar to what I faced, or it’s forgiving other, drugs, alcohol, anxiety, worry, immoral thoughts or behavior of any sort; don't be afraid to shut it. And when you do, keep it shut! Give your key to Jesus too. He is asking you to trust in him. Have courage and know that He has another door with something so much better waiting for you on the other side.
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