Friday, April 22, 2016

Satan Doesn't Have My Number Anymore
By: Melody Mohnhaupt

Do you ever feel crippled? Like you want to push past a hurdle or change an unwanted area in your life, but get overcome by oppression or fear? Do you feel incapable? Do you feel like you have big dreams, but get told they are “too big” or “not realistic”? Is it hard to keep your joy and focus on the Lord? Do you find yourself doubting?

If you answered ‘yes’ to some of these questions, let me tell you this. Satan is working overtime on you. His whole mission is to steal, kill and destroy. He wants to steal your hope, kill you joy, and destroy God’s vision for your life. 

I was speaking with someone a few days ago who was stuck in a rut. She was telling me how sometimes she gets so inspired by the Lord and He gives her visions and dreams that she desires to fulfill for His glory. She knows God has more in store for her, and that she is not bound to the life of poverty that she has come to know so well. And yet, she feels paralyzed by fear. She explained how she knows God’s goodness because she’s seen Him come through for her time and time again, but sometimes still can’t bring herself to take that step of faith into the unknown. 

The grip over her soul is so strong. That voice in her head repeatedly tells her, “You’re not good enough, smart enough, Christian enough, wealthy enough, and so on. People won’t take you seriously. How will you get there? What do you have to offer? A better life is just out of the question”. Just like the serpent in the garden that brought doubt into Eve’s heart with his, “Hath God said?”, causing her to be blinded and deceived; ultimately leading to the fall of man. When over and over again in the word God PROMISES to take care of us! He assures us, “I did say! You, my child, just ask and I will give! Knock, and I will open! Seek, and you will find! I will never forsake you or leave you. You will never beg bread! You are my child and I adore you and I want the very best for you.”

Unfortunately, a lot of the time, we don't really believe it. If we did, we would see His goodness overflowing and overwhelming our lives. We are too afraid to take those steps, expecting Him to come through for us. So, instead, we wait around in our comfort zones. We never take steps of faith big enough that would require God’s divine intervention. We never pursue those passions in our hearts, because, well, “What if He didn't come through and I turn into a laughing stock? Or lose my house? Or my job? Or turn into a bum on the side of the road?” (Don’t act like those thoughts have never crossed your mind! We all know they have!)

Now, don't get me wrong! I’m not saying you should make foolish decisions! God expects us to use His wisdom and seek Him diligently before any decision in life to assure that it is in accordance to His will. But, He also wants us to walk by faith. He wants His people to be a people who live outside the norm. He wants people in the world to look at us and know that the only way our life turned out so greatly, (when many expected us to crash and burn) was because God was the one orchestrating it all! 

Just look at God’s example in the Bible. It wasn't the Pharisees (the sophisticated, wealthy, knowledgeable scholars of the word) that God used to do His work! It was the smelly old fishermen and despised tax collector! That way, God would get the glory. You see, if Jesus chose the Pharisees as His disciples, many might have thought that what they accomplished (and why there were worthy of being chosen) was because of their social and status. Instead, God used the most unlikely people, so that when others saw them, they knew it was only God that could have moved before them.

I’m sure even the disciples of Jesus thought, “This guy must be crazy! Have you seen the bunch He picked to be His followers?” And maybe that’s how you're feeling about yourself too. “What? God must be crazy! How could he use me? There are many better people to choose! My “dreams” were probably stupid anyway!”

Believe it or not, every dream, passion, interest and talent you have was given to you by God for a reason. He put that in you to fulfill His purpose through you. He was intensional in every detail of your design. 

Maybe you’re sixteen and you are seeking God’s purpose, but have no clear sense of direction. Maybe you're pushing sixty and you feel like your time to be used by God is long passed expired. No matter your situation, God still wants to use you. You can’t lose hope! If He has called you, He will equip you! And, my darling, HE HAS CALLED YOU!!! 

So if you have negative thoughts about your life or even about yourself, I encourage you to speak out against those lies! Satan is a low down, dirty liar. He will convince you that your biggest fears, doubts, and insecurities are the most stable realities. 

It’s time to stand up and say, “NO! Satan doesn't have my number anymore!” You know why? Because you aren't going to give him that power over you anymore. As soon as he tries to plant his deceitful words into your mind, you CAST DOWN those vain imaginations; those thoughts that only bring you down, keep you from your vision, and steal your joy. Say, “Na-uh Satan. I don't think so! You're a liar! But you know whose words I WILL believe? The words of my Father!”

When Satan tries again, (because believe me, he will!) just laugh and say “Satan, what is it that you don't understand? I took your phone, went through your contacts and deleted my number. You have no way of contacting me anymore! I will not even receive your words anymore! That hold you once has on me is broken! I’m not afraid! I am capable, I am loved, and I need you and every negative thought to get far, far away from me, because I’m done with you!”

“… you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the wicked one”. 1 John 2:14

Amen and Amen!

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