All Things Beautiful
By: Kenya Gossett
“For my thoughts, are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the Heavens are are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9 AMP
“So will my word be which goes out of my mouth. It will NOT return void (useless, without result), without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11 AMP
2 promises. So amazing yet, so difficult for the human heart to grasp. We say that we trust God and that we know His Word is true, but we get weary during the process. It’s the hardest thing to keep on believing, when you see absolutely no evidence. As Christians, we want to see God move like yesterday and when that doesn’t happen, we get hit with unbelief. For some, it is more severe. Bitterness will take over and they’ll start doubting God and His promise altogether. Which the enemy loves coming in during those times with “Hath God said?”
I even went through a period where my heart was so tired, that I didn’t even want to hear another prophetic word. I didn’t want to hear that deliverance was coming or that God was going to change this or that. I was so done. and it’s not that God wasn’t faithful to me. HE WAS! Time and time again. So it’s crazy to think that I even doubted like that. But I realize now, that the problem wasn’t God. He’s the same yesterday, today, and forevermore. He’s been faithful for thousands of years. The problem was me.
You see, if our spirit would fully grasp Gods timing and who He is, it would save us a lot of heartache. Waiting patiently on Him and being still is the best thing you could do. Sometimes it’s easy to “help God” wether it’s with a relationship, with family, with ministry, a life decision, ect. But a pre-mature move out of an impatient heart, results in aborting what God originally planned.
“Be still and know (recognize, understand) that I am God.” Psalms 46:10
As I shared earlier, if you look down in history, there’s not a time where God failed His people who were faithful to Him (that’s a big key). There was never a time where He didn’t turn a curse into a blessing, or made something beautiful from the ashes. He always came through, and in ways that weren’t expected. Hence why He told us “My ways, are not your ways.”
Abraham waited 25 years before he saw “You will be the father to many nations” come to pass. Moses waited for 40 years in the wilderness. David waited about 15 years to become the anointed King. Jesus waited 33 years before He could pay the greatest price for our sin. but every single story in the Word, shows anchored faith and how the Great I Am operates. It’s amazing!
If God showed up when we wanted Him to, He would never get the glory or the power out of the situation. God makes us wait, so that when the storm is over and the promise breaks through the clouds, He will be the only one who gets the honor and recognition. Not only will you come out stronger, but you will have a testimony for generations to come on what God did for you in HIS timing.
Take a look at the story of Joseph. In our eyes, his situation was unjust and unfair. But was it to God? No. See, God had everything planned out from the moment Joseph was falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife. God knew that Joseph's 13 years in prison was going to produce something great in him. Iron was deposited into his very being. He kept his character. He was made to be strong, immovable, unbreakable, and wise. Trials produce wisdom, and that's exactly what Joseph needed in order to walk out his destiny.
After 13 years in a deplorable prison cell, he was ushered into the palace and became the 2nd in command over all of Egypt. The fetters (irons chains) around his feet, became a golden chain around his neck!
It goes to show that when God decides to open your prison door, favor, promise, joy, and LIFE will come rushing in.
If you are still waiting for a manifestation of His promise or for a miraculous change, I understand where you're at. I've been in many cold and dark valleys where it seemed like death was all around me. It felt never ending at the time. But I would never trade my valley experiences for anything. It was the best route to the top!
My life still has trials, but I'm soaring with a deep trust in my Father, knowing His ways are perfect. God is never early, He is never late. He is always right on time! He is incapable of wrong doing. He has not failed me yet! Nor will He fail you. He cares. You are the apple of His eye. You are His Beloved. You are His everything. Always remember that.
“He has made everything beautiful and appropriate in its time.” Ecclesiastes 3:11
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